Friday, May 9, 2014

Cannon Blog Assignment #3

This is the link to see our cannon reflection. Please click the link provided: here

This is the link to see the firing of the cannon. Please click the link provided: here 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cannon Design and Construction

Designing: At first, we were going to cut a hole in one of the barrels, shorten the other one a bit, and then use one of the lids inside of the barrels to limit the amount of space so that we could transmit the energy built up in the small space into the launch of the cannon. Unfortunately, we were unable to get the lid to stay in place no matter what we did, so we changed our idea.

Construction: We decided to go with a 45 degree angle for our cannon. We decided to cut a hole in one of our barrels and  we shortened the other barrel so that there was a limited amount of space for the reaction to occur. We stuck the shortened barrel inside the barrel with the hole cut into it, then we used the barrel lids to keep the barrels in place.
